Wednesday 31 August, 2011


¼[kcj dk eqag foKkiu ls <+dk gS ½ 
Hindi poem by Leela Dhar Jagudi 

Translation in English by G P Bahuguna 

The Big showman unfolds map of some planet with swagger
Treating it some territory to demonstrate
experiment of lethal weapons before a concerted gatherings.
All of a sudden he is possessed by concern for planet earth.

The unchallenged leader of the continent
drunk with power to lead a super state
The big showman with wide grin begins to tell
The merits of a missile gun capable to pump
hundred thousand bullets in one minute.
Whatever he gave to understand against enemies
Ultimately reflected against the entire humanity
And the people round the world began to see themselves
in terrible crisis.

Aiming at some far-off alien nation
he spoke as head of a state
on their geographical,historical and cultural entity
As if their land, aerial and naval territories were within his power and convenience.
Except for one doubt as to how under threat of weapons
the relations with his mother country be called morally sound.

We have not left even show of displeasure
Remain unchallenged without arms.
The explosive which never caught fire at dialogue stage.
Now ignite on simple denial of favorite-ice-cream and drink to claim life of a poor waiter.
He spoke with the intimacy of a close neighbor.

Their immensely praised and raised drink products
patented globally before
Now their perennial bliss of Potatoes and succulent root is redirected to them on sale.
Taking seize on their right to sell lemon and cumin seed-drinks
He is on way to clinch turmeric and ginger roots under his teeth,
He seems to speak through mood of air. The sky is laden with his message-
Whoever cannot enjoy his commercial democracy
may be tagged sub-standard,uncultured
and despised lot, no doubt .
We have to carry world-wide test on seed
with commercial friendliness
to disable seed in seminal form to be retrieved
yet made available in sprout less form always.
Raise your purchasing power
to wipe out hunger and poverty .
Otherwise we may invent a seedless man.
The World Bank may even open a semen bank
To provide insemination without copulation,
Lest you may be deprived off your rights
Or reduced to hapless lot permanently.
Talks beget new talks,
After all it is talks which spoils the talks.
He announces concern-
for the greatest danger lies in the dangerous weapons falling within reach of all men.
Anarchy is the result of weapons going cheap.
The extraordinary,devilish and deadly weapons should be made costly,
to keep them off from senseless killers and ordinary men.

Nobody knows who is chosen for the service
of country on the spur of moment
How many can avail of this honor in world,
- With these opening remarks,
The newspapers and TV channels world over start coughing news
One very popular yet less powerful leader being assassinated in some poor country
A big patch of fresh blood is shown on the murder spot
The TV channels show atmosphere charged with shock and grief
Faces wore seriousness who felt danger in democracy
taking strong roots
In sad voice TV anchor gave news-
He had no trade links with any country
He was popularly known as the trader of policies and dealer of reforms
(Adding some enthusiasm in his voice)
Fortunately no loss has been felt by business world at his death,
Share market rose high today also,
Market prices were on higher side
Although strike took toll in some stray places.
The deceased had no issue.
There was not a single charge of corruption against him.
-With this comment, a footage is released
on the widow of the deceased .

In the views of one Arms expert -
The incident gave moral boost to daring spirit
of passive neutralist and realist thinkers
How consciously they are linked with power game of the perpetrators.
How favorably they speak about these agents of destruction.
The Arms Expert adds –
Take for example this incident here,
The quality of a product can be judged by test only.
A pen was recovered from the killer, -a Pistol Pen only,
It is not used for writing down something
but for stopping your voice.
This is the success of new weaponry,
Manufactured by a company in crisis for the last two years.
The more dangerous and costly a lethal weapon
the bigger should have its prey
otherwise the value of weapon goes down.
The larger impact and incessant flow of condolence messages
the larger becomes a weapon.

The mourning events should be sponsored at global scale
to achieve unfailing glory and higher price for a weapon.
Trained killers and a well-planned target
Is a key to successful use of a weapon
Otherwise it will be categorized as street- brawl only.

For drawing attention
It was revealed in short commercial break -
A real love story could also thrive under the shadow of arms.
In another frightful commercial it was proclaimed
The Golden age had returned due to terrorism.
As nobody tried to pick up an unclaimed suitcase
from Railway station of a metropolitan city for three days,
Proves how moralistic society has become due to terrorism?
If all this does not convince you,
then you may be understood as lost case.

The Institutions dealing in research
say conclusively
The newspapers might may have spread terrorism to a great extent
But commercials have rendered moral service to society
By exaggerating the dangers of the aids-disease,
It has converted husbands faithful to their spouses
And the wives to their husbands reciprocally
Which no religious preaching could do for years.
The credit goes only to companies manufacturing condoms
Investing five percent of their share profit on the publicity of aids-danger.
Between the concerns of world affairs
News comes about people down with dysentery
Then news flashes on sudden boom in patented medicines in the market and loathsome human sacrifices,
followed by news coverage of fashion shows.
And finally as if wiping all impressions clean
there is commercial ads of Rin Soap detergents
and face powder packs.
Proclaiming many bright Lotus flowers to bloom in this filthy mass.

The cricket over,
A little before the weather forecast,
there is News flash again -
In a some smaller developing country water being declared unfit for human consumption,
Then quick slides of the infertile women in their post menopause condition,
Army of rats- as agents of plague coming-out from the womb of Mother Earth
Revealing their strength as sons of the soil
who will not lag behind in any field.
This game will never allow anyone to flourish.
How to stop this?
They who employ arms and epidemic as their ambassadors
to spread terrorism,
get their commercial ads published in news and features.
They can convert a murder story into free advertisement of their weapons
The conspiracy is already hatched well in advance.
By what instrument shall we measure the issues of life
in this hotchpotch of the system?

Translation in English by G P Bahuguna