Tuesday 27 September, 2011


¼ekr`eq[k& yhyk/kj txwM+h English translation by GPBahuguna½
At twelve thirty five in midnight
There is no sign of any season around,
Any season which is free from the grip of darkness.
There is only cold
Deflected by doors and windows
Forcing its request to stay in my lungs
knocking every thread of my body.
Taking seize on every pore of my skin,
It is making me realize
How a day passes into another
Changing a person altogether by next day
Million stars are spread beyond my reach
In night's labour room
I stand fastened in the grip of wanton cold
Hitting at the doors of my lungs
Can I remember my mother?
Who died of small pox.
The trees are blowing whistle
Who they want to fight with in this solitariness?
Whether it is I?
Because the memory of my mother haunts me this moment.
Having seen thousand faces I can imagine
How the Disease had dug holes into her face
Gazing at stars on the face of night
Why a picture is emerging in my mind?
I can still remember the tresses of jet-black hair covering her face
To me the memory of those dark hair tresses only
Stand for the visage of my mother's face.
The wait rotted men for thousand years past
I am also waiting to see
If ever I am able to carve out an image of
my mother's Pox-infected face.
But at twelve thirty five in midnight
how can I designate time to say "this moment"
At this instant I have around me
Hair tresses which covered the face of that moment
The color and memory of which breathe in my hazy lungs
with a sweep of affection.
At twelve thirty-five in the night
Could I find an object to stand for my mother ?
The shroud piece draped around her like sari,
was symbol of belly before consigning to earth
The origin of my birth in this world.
From that day onward the darkness of my home
represents the face of my mother
keeping awake all night pressed close to my cheeks.
The pock-marked image of night dripping from my mother's hair tresses
has moved slowly down to the Pacific Ocean.
Oh! Night,image of my mother's visage!
Plead with this menacing darkness
It is another child of your like me
you had given birth to it from your locks
It should not be whistling around when I recall you.

Translation into English by Govind Prasad Bahuguna

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