Saturday 26 November, 2011

Deccan Herald published my following letter on 24 November.
 BG Verghese is a writer of integrity and values who understands the nerve of the ailment and have rightly underlined the need for urgent reform in Press by bringing in a suitable law to discipline the electronics media particularly which has gone reckless in its responsibility
It  almost plays on your nerves when the news channels  go on harping on the same news throughout the day just to  settle their scores with an individual or party and serve as a tool to unleash vendetta .Justice Markandeya Katju has very rightly pointed out this malady and advocated for the need of a legislation to root out this evil which is rapidly sapping the vitals of democracy.There should be some institution to curve the irresponsible behavior of the print and electronic media.No one should
have a right to prejudice any person or institution  I
congratulate Deccan Herald to come forward to  support the cause of the freedom of press and maintaining the dignity of the Fourth Estate.
Yours Sincerely,
I wrote this letter to Deccan Herald yesterday in reference to Saeed Naqvi's article"Katju"s question" .  Indian public has general habit to relie upon foreign media to verify the veracity of any news item so much so that even late Rajeev Gandhi is learn to have switched on BBC to verify the news of Mrs Indira Gandhi's murder.Who is responsible for this sorry plight of Indian media? Government is partly responsible for this kind of embarrassment because  it has reservations  about sharing important matters which are directly linked with public sentiments.It has selective approach to media who may favour Government or a particular political party.The aggression of foreign media is seen particular in the developing countries who cannot afford to have their independent agencies based in different countries or continents.It should be mandatory for Govt to share its views or stand it takes on important policy issues so that imaginary stories are not allowed to be cooked by the
mischief mongers or story hunters.The public has a right to information and the information should voluntarily flow from Govt without being pressed for it.Then only the press will function in its given domain and not exceed its limit.